So you have a story to tell ...
but you don't know where to begin?
The first pages of your novel are critical for drawing in the reader. Especially in today's market, where potential buyers can "Look Inside!" to check out your beginning, you need to make sure you're starting in the right place, and doing it the right way! This mini workshop offers instruction, exercises, and professional feedback to help you write a beginning that will make your readers want to read to the end!
Course curriculum
Chapter 1: Where to Start
Where to Start
Exercise: The Inciting Incident
Chapter 2: How to Start
How to Start
Exercise: Planning Your Opening Scene
Chapter 3: First Lines
First Lines
Submit Your Opening Scene

Author - Instructor
Linda Budzinski
Linda Budzinski is the author of four young adult novels, including Em & Em, which has been optioned for development as a TV series and was named a “Must Read for Teens” by Your Teen Magazine, as well as The Boyfriend Whisperer, winner of the Romance Writers of America Young Adult Chapter's Rosemary Award and Virginia Chapter's Fool for Love Award.
When she's not writing, she works in nonprofit communications and outreach and is active with her church youth group. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and a rescue pup that is believed to be part chihuahua and part Tasmanian devil.